My name is Steven Kuipers and I am currently a math education major and Russian language minor at Montclair State University. I hope to use my passion for both math and education to dispel the stigmas associated with mathematics.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Checking for answers, or solutions revisited
We live in a world where information and data is becoming more and more easily available. Before I had mentioned time and time again how for students we should always be checking for solutions and not answers. I think this genuinely extends to problems with cheating and academic integrity as well. It's so easy for students to take pictures of their homework and send it to friends to copy off of, look things up in the middle of the test by going to the bathroom, and so on. We live in an age where the boundary between collaboration and cheating has become very thin. In the future we will most likely find ways to easily deal with problems like these but as of right now we are at a crossroads. Do we have students completely separate themselves from the world when taking tests? That doesn't seem fair seeing as we are always trying to encourage collaboration and team work. But meanwhile, having students discuss problems and leave the potential for cheating available is also not the right way to do things. I think this is especially because our society puts emphasis on grades and not understanding. Students cheat because they don't want to fail and they don't realize that by cheating they are not understanding and by not understanding they are setting themselves up for even bigger problems down the road. I believe that in our classrooms we need to be thinking about these questions and find a balance between what constitutes cheating and what is collaboration.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Times's Article on the State of Our Generation
Times recently published an article titled "The Me Me Me Generation" talking all about how the Millennial Generation is lazy, narcissistic, and unfocused due to our extreme attachment to technology and our self-serving, ego-boosting ways. While reading the article I can honestly say that I felt more than a little angry at the author of the piece. In the piece they use many blanket statements like "the Millennial Generation" and "they all" which are, first and foremost, never an effective way of debating a point but also felt like a personal attack. Stepping back from all this though, I decided to not judge the article based on anything other than it's statistics and to look at the piece from a purely scientific view, but still the piece doesn't make a whole lot of sense. For one, the piece tries to argue that our technological and always-on addictions are distracting us and making us less social and more self-centered. What the article fails to mention however is how exactly we are "addicted" to technology. I can honestly say that I have been in a situation where I am hanging out with a group of friends and everyone is on their phones or laptops. From the outside it may seem shallow and self-centered, but if you were to look at any of their screens you would see that many of them are reading news articles, looking up data, reading research papers, exploring Wikipedia, and more. Our generation may be screen locked, but it is not only an excuse to become more self-centered, but actually quite the opposite. The Millennial Generation is on a constant adventure to learn more, to be exposed to alternative viewpoints, and to try and be aware of what's going on around them. Again, from the outside it may look like we are in our own little world, but on the inside we are trying to place ourselves in our new global society.
And yes, the Millennial Generation are not lining up to move out of our parents house, take on full time office jobs, and work strict 9 to 5 hour work weeks. But this is not because we don't want to, it's because we realize that we don't have to. Why should I be forced to drive 2 hours a day in traffic, to go to an office building where my main job is to enter data into spreadsheets? Why not instead fax me the data and I'll enter it at home? It's bad enough that we are forced to enter a work field that has few jobs to offer us only to be stuck doing something that doesn't fulfill or challenge us. We can use that time instead to spend time with our family, friends, and loved ones. This may sound narcissistic yes, but I believe that we are truly moving from an age of structured walls and cubicles to an age where the majority of workers will be working from home.
But how does this relate to education? Too often I feel that students are wrongfully and harsh fully reprimanded for having cell phones out in the hallways and lap tops out during recess. We tell them to put their phones away and tell them, "Your friends can wait until after school." But what if the student was actually trying to figure out a question that had been nagging them for a while? If every moment can be turned into a teaching moment, then why not this as well? Instead of jumping to conclusions and seeing the slouched over student on his phone as a nuisance, instead ask him what he's doing? Does he have any questions? Asking these questions can lead to a great teaching moment.
And yes, the Millennial Generation are not lining up to move out of our parents house, take on full time office jobs, and work strict 9 to 5 hour work weeks. But this is not because we don't want to, it's because we realize that we don't have to. Why should I be forced to drive 2 hours a day in traffic, to go to an office building where my main job is to enter data into spreadsheets? Why not instead fax me the data and I'll enter it at home? It's bad enough that we are forced to enter a work field that has few jobs to offer us only to be stuck doing something that doesn't fulfill or challenge us. We can use that time instead to spend time with our family, friends, and loved ones. This may sound narcissistic yes, but I believe that we are truly moving from an age of structured walls and cubicles to an age where the majority of workers will be working from home.
But how does this relate to education? Too often I feel that students are wrongfully and harsh fully reprimanded for having cell phones out in the hallways and lap tops out during recess. We tell them to put their phones away and tell them, "Your friends can wait until after school." But what if the student was actually trying to figure out a question that had been nagging them for a while? If every moment can be turned into a teaching moment, then why not this as well? Instead of jumping to conclusions and seeing the slouched over student on his phone as a nuisance, instead ask him what he's doing? Does he have any questions? Asking these questions can lead to a great teaching moment.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Technology Integration Plan
I chose to
work with this lesson plan over other lesson plans I had worked with in the
past because I find that trigonometry is often a topic that students can be
easily lost in and that teachers often try too hard to integrate technology
into. The lesson plan is very basic and starts under the assumption that
students are already aware of certain topics. They are then quickly split into
groups, told to complete a puzzle, discuss the completion of the puzzle as a
group, and then moving on and completing two worksheets.
And so for my technological
adaptations, I chose three very simple adaptations: the addition of relevant
GIFs and videos, phone applications, and an online discussion forum assignment.
These technological adaptations would not only integrate themselves easily into
the lesson plan, but also be transformative and make the learning targets and
curriculum standards more easily achievable.
The first part of the lesson, the
trigonometry square puzzle, is trying to accomplish two goals: understanding
that side ratios in triangles are properties of the angles in the triangle (CCSS.Math.Content.HSG-SRT.C.6)
and using the relationship between the sine and cosine of these angles (CCSS.Math.Content.HSG-SRT.C.7)
to complete the puzzle assignment. These standards can be achieved with the
worksheet, but by integrating the use of relevant GIFs and videos, like this
and this,
we can make the very abstract concept of the relationship between sine, cosine,
triangles, and the unit circle more concrete. Students will then have a deeper
understanding of the properties of the sine and cosine graph (NETS-S1), an
understanding of how the functions are derived (NETS-S1), and the relationship
between the sine and cosine of a triangle (NETS-S1). Thus, when completing the
puzzle they will have a visual breakdown to refer to when completing the
assignment and a more secure grasp on the educational standards for this part
of the lesson.
The second half of the lesson also
relies on worksheets, the Angle of Elevation/Declination worksheet. The goal of
these worksheets is to have students use trigonometric ratios to solve right
triangles (CCSS.Math.Content.HSG-SRT.C.8), prove the Law of Sines and
Cosines (CCSS.Math.Content.HSG-SRT.D.10), and apply the Law of Sines and
Cosines (CCSS.Math.Content.HSG-SRT.D.11) to complete the worksheets. Again,
these goals are attainable with the use of a worksheet and some excellent
teaching but with the addition of some simple technology we can work to increase
student understanding. The first thing that we can add is a quick field trip
outside and the use of some phone apps like this
one. By using this phone app we can have students measure the angle between the
ground and the tops of objects outside like trees, the height of certain school
buildings, etc as well as the distance from where they are standing to the
objects base. Using this information we can then have students use the Law of
Sines and Cosines to compute the other measurements of the triangle, record
this information, and share it with the class. This way, instead of filling out
a worksheet on a topic that requires some abstract thinking, we can have a
plethora of real world examples of ways in which the Law of Sines and Cosines
can be applied that students can think concretely about and refer back to.
Furthermore, by asking students to
go home and record the data of an object they find around the house and posing
a question using this data on an online discussion forum we can increase
student understanding of, again, how the Law of Sines and Cosines can be
applied and also how questions using the Law of Sines and Cosines are
structured. Students will also be asked to answer at least one of their
classmates unanswered questions so as to get more practice and to better form a
classroom community. Thus by integrating the technology into this half of the
lesson we have shown students easy ways to use technology to gather data
(NETS-S3), apply the data they collected to answer problems (NETS-S3), and use
critical thinking skills to ask, answer, and critique authentic questions
(NETS-S4) while also reinforcing the core standards of the lesson and the
learning target.
As I've stated again and again,
these core standards are attainable with just the use of the provided
worksheets. Likewise, technology is not always going to be a transformative
addition to a lesson. However, by using the technologies detailed above, in
conjunction with the strategies provided, we can enhance the overall lesson and
provide students with a deeper, clearer, and more confident understanding of
the material.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
My Research and Technology
Over the past year I have been doing math research with a professor on campus and a research partner. Over this time I have been slowly adjusting while I transition from math student to math researcher. It is one thing to be able to learn mathematical rigor and constructs, but it's another thing to just start with nothing and work your way up. My professor understands this and is doing his best to make this transition easy. He directs me to mathematical research websites like arXiv, a website run by Cornell that lets users upload research papers for others to work from and review, so I can see how research papers are structured and to orient me in my research. Likewise, I browse websites looking for answers and similar results. Websites like The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences make it very easy to plug in a few numbers and see every series that share numbers with your input. Websites like these make it very easy to quickly see connections and share information. But I am finding that this has problems as well. With publication being as close as a click away, false results are sometimes uploaded and referenced in multiple research papers whereas in the past, results had to be carefully peer reviewed before being published. And while this was slower and thus led to a "stunted" growth in the mathematical field, it can also be said that this led to more rigorous results.
As a future teacher, I need to consider these things. Is it more important for my students to get answers? Or is it more important for my students to get the concepts of mathematical rigor? The obvious answer is the second one but it is the sad truth that most schools orient themselves more towards the first. With answers so easily available online and with, what seems like, no answer unasked, should I only be checking for correct answers, correct work, or should I even assign written homework at all? Should I instead assign students oral exams and grade them on their thought process? This is my problem with Scantrons. Scantrons may be easier and quicker but they also invoke a binary system of right and wrong that I don't want to subject my future students to. I want them to be able to try things and to see their thought process. A blank Scantron bubble is wrong, but there could be so much thought and work behind it that is important to consider.
As a future teacher, I need to consider these things. Is it more important for my students to get answers? Or is it more important for my students to get the concepts of mathematical rigor? The obvious answer is the second one but it is the sad truth that most schools orient themselves more towards the first. With answers so easily available online and with, what seems like, no answer unasked, should I only be checking for correct answers, correct work, or should I even assign written homework at all? Should I instead assign students oral exams and grade them on their thought process? This is my problem with Scantrons. Scantrons may be easier and quicker but they also invoke a binary system of right and wrong that I don't want to subject my future students to. I want them to be able to try things and to see their thought process. A blank Scantron bubble is wrong, but there could be so much thought and work behind it that is important to consider.
Monday, December 9, 2013
A Great Example of Technology
other day in my READ 411, Language and Literacy, class, a group presented a
unit on confidence in the classroom and showed how technology can be both
helpful and detrimental to learning. First, one of the students used a
projector to display some information on the board and use it as a makeshift
"smart board" as our classroom was not equipped with one. She went
through similar fractions, giving examples and displaying pictures but mostly
just lecturing. After she was finished she asked us if we felt confident with
the material. Most of us agreed, blindly, and shrugged our shoulders. After
that was finished another student then presented a parallel lesson, where she
taught us the same material but in a different way. She used lots of hands on
material, like cut out fraction pieces and color by number sheets, and then had
us access an online application relevant to the lesson. The whole group, using
one or two laptops, then took turns playing the game and everyone had a lot of
fun. By the end of the second lesson everyone said they felt comfortable with
the material and everyone had a smile on their face too. This just goes to show
you that even fun kid-oriented games can be fun and instructional. Just because
students are older doesn't mean that fun apps don't hold some validity to their
learning. Likewise, by using one-sided technologies, like the smart board, you
prevent students from utilizing and interacting with the technology and
distance them from the learning process.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Collaboration Canvas
I found out that I had to make a remixed canvas I knew that I didn't want to
chose the obvious choice of physics. So instead I chose music because, as much
as people know that math and music are related, I feel like it is often
something that is overlooked and could help students make a connection between
what they are doing in the classroom and what they are doing in real life.
First, though, I had to find a music lesson that I knew I could incorporate
math into and make it age appropriate as well. There was no point in talking
about subgroups of note sets if the subject of sets is barely even covered
until linear algebra. That is when I found the topics of triads. By
connecting musical triads to mathematical triads I can help students explore
the Pythagorean theorem, and also give them an idea on how it relates to the real
world and the music they listen to. By extending this to the topic of musical
structure I can help them "hear" conditional probability. Coupling
this with a video and some outside sources I hope show the relationship between
math and music.
Linked here is the original canvas
Linked here is my remixed canvas
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Unit Plan Canvas
In designing a lesson plan for areas, volumes, and surface areas, I knew that I had plenty of material to work with. For some reason, teachers find this topic incredibly appealing, most likely because it is a very concrete, and visual concept, and it shows that math can be practical (formulas, relationships, ratios, etc.) and fun (boxes, blocks, and building!). But, as much as teachers love teaching this concept, I find that often they focus more on the fun and rational and less on the relationships. And so for my lesson plan I really wanted to focus on the relationship between areas, volumes, and surface areas. To do this I specifically chose videos, links, photos, and applets that showed how volumes can be thought of as an expansion of a flat area through space. This, then, showed that by taking the area of a base, we can use this to get a formula for the volume of a 3D shape. And to get students thinking about this I prompted them with questions about "stacking areas" and what they can get by doing this. Likewise, I included links to applets, explanations, and a video showing how 3D shapes can be broken down into 2D shapes whose areas can be solved to get surface area. By doing this I can get students getting a deeper understanding of the relationship between areas, volumes, and surface areas and have them think in a more abstract and 3D way.
Linked here is my lesson plan for reference.
Linked here is my lesson plan for reference.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Technology & Pedagogy
For my lesson plan analysis I chose
a lesson plan titled "Fill 'Er Up" that involved teaching students
about volumes of rectangular prisms for a few reasons. First and foremost I
chose this particular lesson plan because I believe that the core standard it
focuses on is what a lot of people say is wrong with math education nowadays.
That is, that we are educating students to pass tests and not giving them the
skills outlined by CCSS.Math.Practice.MP4,
which states that we must teach students to be able to model everyday problems
with mathematics and CCSS.Math.Practice.MP2, which focuses on the relationship
between abstract mathematics and quantitative mathematics. On top of this, I also chose this particular
lesson plan because its use of technology, which I felt was forced and only
detracted from the goals of the teacher.
goal of the lesson plan was to teach students about a fundamental skill that
pertains to their everyday life, while also teaching them about the ideas of
volume, space, and quantity, but to do so by lecturing and having them use a
program that worked in abstract quantities. By doing so the plan fails to meet
the standard outlined above because the students are unable to, "interpret their mathematical results in the context of the
situation and reflect on whether the results make sense" (Standards for Mathematical Practice). One way to improve on this would be to start of the lesson
with a student centered Q and A session as opposed to a lecture and teacher
centered Q and A session. By allowing students to ask questions that they may
have about definitions of height, length, depth, and volume and allowing them
to define the concepts themselves the lesson become more aligned with the core
standard as well as an additional standard CCSS.Math.Practice.MP6 which focuses on meanings of units and clear
definitions of concepts.
standard is further aligned with the plan with the removal of the technology it
recommends, which seems unnecessary, and actually detracts from the lesson plan.
The applet recommended for use, serves little purpose as it is something that
is easily modeled with real world examples, is time consuming, as even I was
confused as to how the applet worked and what it was trying to achieve, and
deals exclusively with abstract units. By removing the use of the applet, and
instead using a shoebox with number cubes, students can use the definitions
they defined at the beginning of class to measure the length, width, and height
of the shoebox, as well as the real world measurements of the number cubes, to get
a better understanding of what exactly volume is and how it is measured and
recorded and further align the lesson plane with all standards detailed above.
"Standards for Mathematical
Practice." Common Core
State Standards Initiative: Preparing America's Students for College and Career.
Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2012. Web. 20 Oct. 2013.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
My Pre-Calculus Class or The Not So Smart, Smart Board
When I was a junior in high school I had a
pre-calculus class in the "new" wing of the school. In all actuality
the wing was already several years old, but, as it was the newest wing, it was
called the new wing. The new wing had everything you could ask for, nice clean
bathrooms, the coldest water fountains, air conditioning, and, of course, the
newest technologies. My pre-calculus teacher was one of my favorite teachers
and she is one of the biggest reasons that I discovered that I loved math. She
was strict, but she was also passionate, intelligent, and knew exactly how to
explain something to you to make you understand it.
For example, everyday she would give us mini-quizzes to
help us get better at easily recognizing trigonometric functions so that when
we took tests we were less focused on what sine of 30 degrees was and more
focused on what the law of sine's actually was. And often, she would have us
come up to the board and explain proofs to the class so that we could better
understand the concepts of the theorem. But one day, our teacher was not there,
and was instead at a seminar on how to use the current technologies in the
classroom. And when she came back, she was all ready to start using smart
boards, tablets, etc. in the classroom and, seeing as the school put an
emphasis on these technologies, she used them.
So instead of our mini-quizzes, she would spend the first
5 minutes of the class booting up the tablet software, and syncing it to the
projector. And instead of having us come up to the board we instead sat at our
desks and passed the tablet around, using this to spell out steps on the smart
board. If someone hit a wrong button, we would have to spend the next 2 or 3
minutes trying to figure out what went wrong, and ultimately it was frustrating
for everyone involved.
You see, my teacher did not need the technologies that the school was trying to make her
implement in the classroom. All she needed was a few extra quizzes, a
whiteboard, and some class participation. I think as teachers it is important
for us to constantly use these experiences to make sure that we are critically
analyzing not only the what but the why when implementing technologies in the
classroom. We need to be asking ourselves not only, "what am I going to
use?", but "why am I going to use this?". If there is no answer,
it may be better simply to not utilize the technology at the present moment.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Computer Algebra Systems and Wolfram Alhpa
What once started as a simple tape machine adding machine,
has transformed time and time again from simple digital calculator, to advanced
graphing calculator, and now easily accessible computer algebra systems. This
advancement has allowed math students the world over to find the hints, tips,
and solutions they need in one convenient place. Wolfram Alpha, for example,
can, in under 10 seconds, take an equation and derive, integrate, graph,
transform, and expand an equation for you. A system like this has many
advantages for students.
For one, Wolfram Alpha does provide students with answers,
but it also provides a step by step for students to look at. By doing this students can check to see if the answers
they got were wrong and then see exactly what part of the problem they got
wrong. This provides students with a personal source they can reference and
takes the onus off the teacher to meet the needs of each individual student
independently, but at the same time.
Likewise, Wolfram Alpha has a multitude of math related
articles, definitions, and how to's any student may need. This way, even if
students get confused because they forget what an integral sign means, they can
quickly and easily look up the definition and guide on integrals that Wolfram
Alpha provides. They can then look at a couple of practice problems and
synthesize the material they read to truly understand the subject at hand.
Of course, like all pieces of technology, there are some
cons to always having Wolfram Alpha available. Students may use Wolfram Alpha
to simply look up answers and not attempt to look into how the system got the
answers or what is going on.
On the other hand, using Wolfram Alpha, or Mathematica,
Wolfram Alpha's downloadable computer algebra system, you can more easily show
students how functions look, how they operate, and compare with each other
simply by typing in the equation. Thus, the process of describing how 3 dimensional
functions look and operate become much easier than just drawing a doodle on a
paper. Students can look at, manipulate, and rotate surfaces to see what is
really going on.
Computer Algebra Systems are a fantastic way to help
students learn and visualize complex formulas in 2 and 3 dimensions, but it is
important to keep in mind that the program is designed to help teach, not
simply to show. Students learn by understanding, not by being given the answer,
and so Wolfram Alpha, or any computer Algebra System, is a great addition to
any class.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Finding a Happy Medium
Using technology
too often has the same effects as eating too much cake, it can make you tired,
lazy, lethargic, sick, etc. And that is why technology, like any good thing,
must always be used in moderation.
can be a fantastic way to get students to connect and easily complete group
assignments. On top of that, its group feature can be a good way to start up a
class page where students can easily discuss questions on assignments and post
pictures of notes for classmates that may have been absent that day. Chat and
online functions can also allow students to easily see who is online at any
given point and have a one on one chat session on specific questions they may
have. On the other hand, Facebook is also open to many other functions that may
distract students and prevent them from completing work on time and may aid
students who wish to cheat of each other’s homework or on tests and quizzes.
Tumblr is a great
site for quickly and easily sharing images. In an art class you can set up a Tumblr
and use it to link students to artists that are relevant to the current class. Students
can, then, compare and contrast styles and also have a reference at any time.
Students can also make their own Tumblrs to get their work into the public
space and keep track of artists they like through their likes and favorites. On
the other hand, with Tumblr’s endless scroll functionality, students can waste
hours and hours scrolling through picture after picture with no end.
Twitter and a class
blog work in similar ways. Using Twitter students can get reminders, via text
message, about homework problems, tests and quizzes, and important class updates
through twitter. While a class blog will always give them a reference in case
anything was forgotten. But Twitter is also distracting and with its endless
scroll functionality students can also scroll through tweet after tweet for
hours on end. Also, students may no longer see the need in writing down
homework in class and if there are any problems with the service than they may
simply not do the homework since they do not know what was assigned.
Youtube can be used
to show instructional videos, upload demonstrations, and give step by step
instructions to students who may not have paid attention in class. And through Youtube’s
comment section students can post specific questions that can be addressed in
another video. But this too can be easily distracting and on top of that
students may use the videos as an excuse to not pay attention in class.
These are just a
few examples of websites, but the same methods can be applied to phones,
cameras, projectors, etc and it always boils down to the fact that technology
can help us, but it can also hurt us. We cannot be afraid of using technology,
but we also should not be afraid to not use it. Sometimes an extravagant website
may help, and sometimes a white board and a marker may get the same job done.
It is our responsibility as teachers to determine what technology is truly
necessary and to what degree we should apply it.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Technology Autobiography
me, the three most influential technologies of this day and age are the
internet, phones, both mobile and household, and television. The reason these
technologies are so influential is because, first and foremost, they all
promote the spread and growth of information and knowledge. This reason alone
is why I rank the internet as the most influential. The internet allows for
peoples across the world to share and relate information quickly and at any
hour. Because of this, it is possible for ideas to be worked on day after day
without the need for breaks. Important problems can be worked on for 8 hours,
their results emailed across the world, and then picked up and worked on by
someone across the world. In mathematics, my field of study, new research is
posted daily on forums and archives, readily available for any mathematician to
look at expand upon and there are databases one can use to search for any
sequences of numbers one might come across. In these ways the internet has
played a fundamental part in the shaping of our world and the information we
have available to us.
this same way, phones have perpetuated this constant growth of information.
Through emailing, text messaging, and wireless browsing, your phone is a constant
medium through which you can access information. If you ever need something
explained to you, a colleague is only a phone call away; if you ever forgot an
assignment at home, someone may be available to email it to your phone; or if
you forgot how to spell a word, your phone may have a dictionary application
that you can use to look it up. On top of that, with the recent addition of
camera phones, front facing cameras, and an open source marketplace for
applications, it is possible for anyone to do anything they put their minds
television also plays an important role in the dissemination of information in
our world. News companies, MTV, local broadcasting, etc. all have a means to
convey information to the public in a quick and easy way. Using audio as well a
visual means to convey this information puts television ahead of radio, but
slightly behind the internet. Nonetheless, television and the internet often
work together to bring the public information quickly and easily. It brings
information of far away countries as well as local events into our homes and
makes us constantly aware of the world around us.
the video "Learning to Change, Changing to Learn", was a lot like
watching a video of myself and my friends testimonials about technology. The
points brought up by the students were all points that I would make and have
heard made in the past. Specifically the way in which homemade websites, or
blogs, can help define you as a person, how the knowledge of technology helps
you think about problems in a different way, and how technology has become such
an integral part of our identities that without it we may not have anything to
define ourselves by. In this way, technology can be a bad thing. Without a
constant outlet to communicate by, we may feel lost or unfulfilled, and
sometimes if we are unhappy with the attention we are getting online we may
feel sad. These things however are just a side effect of our world adapting to
technology. If you think about it 20 years ago the internet was barely even an
idea and now it is something that we take for granted. With new technologies
and new information we need time to adapt, to bring it into our society and understand
it, and our own, place in the world.
technology, for better or for worse, is a part of our society and so it is
always important to look on how drastically it has helped our society. Parents
are now able to work from home and share more time with their children, cures
for diseases are worked out every day, while clusters of computer processors
work out mathematics problems we could never possibly count. Sure, we may all
use technology to varying degrees, with varying intensities, and with varying
intents, as explained by the video, but technology has changed and shaped our
world for the better and by using it, I believe it can truly help the way we
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